Hi my dears,
am I writing as I promised. We leaved our home and went to a month-long unplanned medical treatment stay with my Natalka. Nelinka is first grade student, as you know, from my last post, so she can't came with us, but my hubby brings her to us every weekend. I am sooooo looking forward to hug and kiss her ♥ Sometimes the circumstances split our family and I don't take it well, and I am sad, and my Natalka noticed and hug me and told me, that she loves me, and that we will together again soon, and that I am strong girl and .... you know, and at these moments, I tell to myself, that my "mommy's work goes well and I am so proud of her - of both my rainbow fairies"... Because sometimes, I have the feeling, that it is hard to be a parent, you know... Oh, my philosophical time is over, I promise :-D
So we are at beautiful place, great for Natalka's medical treatment and we have wonderful Indian summer here - so we spent many time in fresh air, walking in countryside. And not only we are enjoying this beautiful time, it looked like butterflies meeting today:-) I can't resist and I just had to make some pictures, even when I had only my 5% battery "full" almost dying cellphone with me,
So we saw the Macroglossum stellatarum again. Those, who follow my instagram know this creature already :-)
And we saw Vanessa cardui
And Inachis io
And Aglais urticae
And Pieris brassicae (but when I catched to make the picture with his open wings, my cell phone died)... so you have to believe me, that it was Pieris brassicae :-)
I am trying to teach my girls generic names of some animal species, just for fun :-) Sometimes my biologist's soul is calling me :-). And here in Jeseniky, is so wonderful countryside and always so many beauties to see :-) I will make some pictures soon, someday when I will have not only my still almost dying cell phone but my camera also. It is still sad and lonely in the bag. Writing about sad and lonely things - my hooks don't belong to this group now. I am working on some cute neeeews and some orders. There is still something to crochet, right? ♥
P.S.: I took 2 books with me - what a naive girl, am I :-)
Thank you for your time, my dears!
Have a great weekend ♥