Hi, my dears,
do you remember my first KnitCrate impression? So two days ago I get the September kit. I was really curious if it will be or if I will be impressed again as same as last/first time:-)
It was really busy, crazy rainy morning. I wasn't home when the postman caame, so I was pretty surprised when I saw this lovely turquoise box next to the door when I came back.

I made a cup of coffee and took a time just for me and opened this lovely turquoise box and voila
★ C O U T U R E ★

Well, first impression? Pretty good!

Yes, they were right. The cold is here. It is time to warm up. And make something pleasant and warm. And with the little treasure, I found in my turquoise box, this could happen.
Look, what a lovely yarn, I found there.
This time from Australia, made with special care.

DK - 100% NewMerino by Ryberry Yarns, just wow ♥
It is so so so pleasant. I am really looking forward to crocheting with it!
• 2 skeins of Winter Sky colorway - lovely grey shade
• 254 yard / 100 g per one skein. So lovely!
There is also code for 25% off for Ryberry Yarns. Oooh, that is really awesome :-) Thank you!
You could choose from two beautiful patterns designed by Maria Bittner, scarf in beginner level and cowl and headband for crocheters with advanced skills. The patterns are not included in the package, they are in digital form. There is a link where to download. Oh and a special bonus - 25% Off for Maria's patterns in her shop on Ravelry :-)

And look what is on the right side? Little extra cute gift :-) Yeees, cute keychain - as I say - the pocket hooks :-) Well, these I never saw before. So cute! They will have their honor place in my purse :-)

My summary - this kit is really a dream. I like it very much. If you like it too, pick your KnitCrate here now, the September kit is available to the end of the September. They have many types of subscription (by the month (a one-time purchase), 3-months, or even a full years) and with my unique code MAGIC20, you will get 20% Off the first month of your subscription. It sounds great, right? I need to say, that if you will subscribe to KnitCrate through my link, I will get some small commission.

Thank you for reading, my dears :-)
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When I was thinking about Autumn, that it is already here, even it has a little bit time, looking at the calendar. I was sad, I miss the sun and warmth of the Summer and colors of Spring, yes. Two days later, I was searching some picture and then I realized, that I love Autumn too :-)
My work revealed me that sweet secret ..... Always listening to the heart ♥
So today, I am not sad anymore: "Hello Autumn :-)"

I wish you colorful and happy Autumn, my dears ♥
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★ List of the patterns ★
... if you are interested in :-)
Note: If you don't see some pattern, it means that I never wrote it or it is testing or it is updating. But the patterns of most creations are written already. Thank you for understanding :-) I will share with you any changes and I am pretty sure, that they will be some changes soon :-)
With love,
. . . . . . . . . . . . ♥ . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hi my dears,
well, as I said the school was begun and I have more time for creating and designing. I miss it so much. I have so many projects or patterns or testing in the process. And I am looking forward, that I will finish it all :-)
One of my new finished and tested pattern iiiiiis the Fox Purse :-)

As you see, I used only one button :-) The challenge for me.

Anyway, I have new signature :-) Do you like it?

If you like it and you would like to make it.
The pattern is here
Or you could also buy it right from blog
I have to go, today I have still one hour to create. Every minute counts :-)
Thank you very much for reading, my dears ♥
Hi my dears,
on Friday we took the girls to the training. They are majorettes, I don't know if I wrote about in the past. The training is really intensively, three times of the week in different days and times of both girls before the competition starts, then it will be a little bit more intensively. So yes - a little bit rush. But it is OK, they love it and it is most important for us :-)
Anyway, my little fairy was invited to the Birthday's party, Yeah! And because the first week of the school and training and work etc. and the absence of the time :-), we wanted to buy the present for her friend on Friday after the training. But when we left the training hall, suddenly a cloud of steam appeared all around us and our car was broken. Yes. And we had absolutely different thoughts and forget to buy something. We bought little something before, but it was not enough, you know.
And Birthday party was the next day :-) And at the evening I totally forget it. On Saturday, after the lunch - my little fairy said - oh, mommy, I am looking so much for the party! Oh my, I forget it again. So I searched for some crocheted gift, we could give her, unfortunately - nothing finished. And, the Birthday's girl is long hair, beautiful little princess, so we decided to make a nice headband for her. And thanks to the Pinterest - we made it! Tralalalalalala :-)
Thank you so much, for all creative people!
And thank you for sharing your talent with the world ♥
So a little piece of the felt, plastic headband, glue gun, sewing needle and thread, scissors and some self-adhesive decorative stones. Lucky, we are the creative girls and have some supplies at home + 40 minutes including research and the headband was ready.
I followed this tutorial for the big flower
It was my first one and in hurry. So the next time I will make the stripes a little bit tight.
And this video tutorial for the beautiful felt daisy
I haven't white felt, so I used first I have next to me - the red. Well, why not?
Thank you very very very much for the inspiration again ♥
I added some decorative stones, as you know - I like it colorful :-)
So, this little story had a nice end. After 40 minutes I made our Birthday's present. And I was really happy with the result. And it was really fun. I think, that it wasn't my first felt headband.
Anyway, our car is still broken. Wish us the luck, please.
P.S.: We are still watching the news about Hurricane Irma in Florida. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Be strong and be safe! ♥
P.S.: We are still watching the news about Hurricane Irma in Florida. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Be strong and be safe! ♥
Thank you for reading, my dears.
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Hi my dears,
how are you? It is getting cold in our country and it is the right time for making something smooth and warm. And it was like Knitcrate reads my thoughts :-) It is a company, who is the original yarn subscription offered surprise knitting and crocheted projects, curated yarn, and extra goodies to fiber artists worldwide. It sounds great, right? Every month they have a new crate for making some new beauty creation.
Today, I get my first package from KnitCrate. I was really surprised, it took only 8 days it came from Florida to the Czech Republic - to my home. Writing about Florida, I can't skip it. Today the Hurricane Irma hit there so massively. I am so sorry for the families, who lost their homes and the people, who lost their lives. It is so sad. You are in my prayers, my dear friends from Florida. Be strong and be safe! ♥
So, I get the package from KnitCrate - my first one. I get really wonderful yarn, patterns, small cute gift and some cards and I am really excited to share my first impression with you.
When I opened the package, I saw this beauty :-)

It is Sugarbush yarns named Chill in the wonderful shade: 1022 Lazuli. I looked at their website and found, that they have 35 shades of this beautiful super bulky 100% extra fine superwash merino. There are 3 balls of this super soft yarn, total weight 300 g, Wow.
It looks gorgeous. I like it so much for the first look!
So smooth and chunky :-)

" Designed in Canada, where we turn the cold in cool "
Ooooh, this is really cool :-)
What another stuff I found in my package? Well, let's see.

This August crate is called Vintage and it contains:
• 3 balls of super cute super bulky Sugar Bush Yarns
• Two patterns from Katya Novikova
• Cute extras by Charlie and Crew
All in retail value 57.85 USD, but the subscribers have much more better prices for the kits!
The patterns look very nice - two cowls. One pattern suitable for beginners and one for advanced crocheter. They are not included in the package, they are in digital form. You will get a link so you could download the patterns. But for me, it is absolutely OK. I like the digital patterns. And I get a bonus code 10% Off for Katya's patterns. That's great.

Some words to Extras. Lovely bookmark "Unravel". I like it very much! This is really nice. It looks so gently. I get a bonus code for 25% Off in Charlie and Crew's shop on Etsy also :-)

It is a lovely bookmark Charlie, thank you. But there is no time for reading now.
New yarn is in the house !:-)
New yarn is in the house !:-)
And other special cards in the package.

Ok, that sounds great, the chance to win 50 USD gift card :-) I will take a chance! Something on my Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter also. A little spamming. Stay in touch :-)
I tried first rows and it is great. I am working on new pattern, but I had to try it :-)
This time, my crochet hook will be jealous...

I am so excited to I will show you the finished item. Something new is in my mind :-)
And I like the idea of KnitCrate's 2017 Charity.
That is great. I will take part for sure.
Well, it is my first experience with KnitCrate and I have to tell you, that very positive :-) Maybe, you know them and maybe not, maybe you would like to become a member of KnitCrate family and get every month package of beautiful yarn and patterns and extras :-) If yes, please click on this link: http://mbsy.co/j78hb and choose from the months' Knit Crate, or a selection of other crates (Knitting or Crochet, for Beginners or Advanced, different value packages etc.) that you can order by the month (a one-time purchase), 3-months, or even a full years subscription. I need to say, that it is an affiliate link, so if you will subscribe to KnitCrate through this link, I will get some small commission. My regular readers and my friends know me, I recommend only, what I like :-)
I will wait for my September kit so impatiently :-) KnitsCrate gives me a special code for you, my dear friends. And using this unique code MAGIC20, you will get 20% Off the first month of your subscription. I will make a review of September kit too. So yes, regularly month review in the future. The school began already, so I will have more time for my blog and design some new patterns again. I miss it so so so much.
Thank you for reading, my dears :-)
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Hi my dears,
the holiday is over - the time is flying so so so fast!
How was your holiday, my dears? Well, from my point of view, the summer was so short. We weren't on the vacation, but we made some small trips and spent the summer together, like a family and it is the most important thing for me ♥
In some of my latest posts, I wrote that we will go with our girls to the Prague. Well, I forget to write a note about it.
First of all, I would like to say thank you for the friendship we have with my friend Katka. As I wrote, we knew each other for 6 years only via the internet, thanks crocheting :-) and this summer we met face to face for the first time, yes! Well, it was so natural, like we knew each other through all our lives, at least for me. And I am so happy, that our girls liked each other too ♥ and they are in touch almost daily via phones, even the distance between them is really huge because Katka and her family live in the US now.
It was incredible ♥
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And now my Praque impression. The Prague is our capital, of our small country in the middle of the Europe - Czech Republic. It is on the other side of the country. The atmosphere is so different there. I forget how huge this city is :-) Here is a short view from Petrin Tower, 260 steps and it is really high. But the view is so beautiful and worth every step.
The Rose garden on the Petrin. The roses were almost out of bloom, unfortunately, but there were still some beauties :-) But, I think, that if you come in right time, that it will be an amazing look.
You know, I love roses :-)
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I didn't make many pictures this time. I can't. I tried to absorb the Prague mood. It is really hard to describe it. The presence of history is everywhere and the multi cultural flow too. To tell you the truth, it was too much perception for me. And there were so many people everywhere :-) Well, we need to visit Prague soon again and take it slowly :-).
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Oh, that picture - it is an ugly wall, not repaired very well as you see. And someone draws there a face. And it looks perfect, what do you think? I had to make a picture of this (well, I was alone before this wall, no people around me :-) )
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Hmmm, look at this beauty...
The view on the Prague castle
The view from the Carl's bridge
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And I saw some crocheted and knitted piece of art too :-)
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Well, very short notes from our short trip :-)
See you next time, Prague ♥
Thank you for reading, my dears. And write me, what was your holiday :-)
And the next time, I should write about crocheting right? Oooh, yes I will. There is some news on my hook.
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