First post in this year. Yes, it was a hard one. But...


She was watching the colours of the sky.
She was saying goodbye to the old year.
She didn't know if the drops falling on the floor was water or tears.
She replayed all the moments of happiness she had experienced this year.
She nursed the wounds she had received and felt that they were slowly healing.
She was often underestimated.
Her kindness is mistaken for weakness.
Her idealism with stupidity. What they don't know is that she's smarter than she looks. She has been strengthened by circumstances beyond her control and falls that could not be prevented.
And after each fall, she became stronger than ever. But they don't see that. Too blinded by their own “truth” and pride.
Her whispers carried through the night.
She thanked her angels.
They watch over her and she knows it.
She almost gave up once.
But in the end, the Viking blood in her veins wouldn't let her.
She knows there will be new challenges and new obstacles to overcome.
She knows there will be the hard days.
She is prepared for them.
Tirelessly, step by step, she goes on.
She celebrates, with a childlike joy all her own, every little success. Because she knows that even seemingly small and insignificant victories count.
She will not give up.
She fights for herself.
She fights for them too.
Only they don't know it yet.
But one day - they will.
She still believe in it.
Yes, she is still here.
And she is still thankfull for your support and love, dears.
Always yours,
Vendulka XOXO