Roses from Colombia

By Vendulka - May 05, 2013

... they are sooooo beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful roses ...

magic with hook and needles

Today we spent wonderful time on exhibition held to 25 years anniversary of one Gardering center in our town. It was so nice there, so many wonderful flowers and trees in blossom, folk music, very good mood in the air and many activities for children and the end I saw these wonderful roses grown in Colombia. I didn´t know for which one I should to decide - so many wonderful colors - WOW!:-).. Now, I have this Beauty next to me on my table and I am writting a new pattern for you:-)

Have a nice day :-)

magic with hook and needles

magic with hook and needles

magic with hook and needles

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6 komentářů

  1. OMG,sooo beautiful.*__*
    I like your blog. Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Hi Vanessa, thank you:-) They are really beautiful I still watching them :-)
      I joined to bloglovin today:-) but yes! I hope I will find you..

  2. Thank you sooo much for the follow.^^
    Follow you back on bloglovin and gfc,too.
    Do you also follow me on gfc?
    Lovely greets

    1. Oh, Thank you Nessa:-) I have stupid question- what gfc mean?:-)

  3. Jsou překrásné!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Děkuji Báro - teda fakt jsou:-) a když byly všechny ty úžasné barvy na výstavě pohromadě - byla to nádhera:-)


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