Hi, my dears,
let's talk about the patchwork. I love it! I am wearing my patchwork summer dress all the time. They are really long and I look like I am the traveler in time from 80' :-). Well, I don't care - I love these dress and I feel like a fairy, wearing them. And what to wear to the patchwork dress? That is the question! :-)
Do you remember some of my patchwork bags? If not, I will remember you a few designs :-) I think, that some of them I never shared before and some are still hidden from the world - oh, mystery mood today - haha ...
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And it was the first one.
My gently love bag. Made in October 2011 as my colorful therapy.... and me and my gypsy skirt.
I hope you like my little trip to the past.
And do you know what? I am on the patchwork wave again...
I am working on the update of my gently love bag pattern - actually, I am just waiting for final testing, so my wonderful tester crocheter say the last words :-) and then I will share the pattern again.
And I hope, I will add a new one soon!
Thank you for reading, my dears!
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