The first day of the holiday is here ♥
I know, that the holiday starts somewhere over the ocean already, but in our country today it is that day! So tell me, how are you enjoying your holiday and if it starts today in your country - what plans for the holiday do you have :-) ?
Well, I have not many plans for traveling etc. Two weeks ago we were with Natalka in Croatia, where she took apart the European Championship majorettes sport. She got that bronze, anyway! :-) In the group formation in her category. I think, that majorettes - it is her sport - she looks so beautiful and natural by making these wonders with her baton! Oh, and I don't have to forget to tell you, that Nelinka is the Silver Czech Champion in the group formation in her category :-). We are so proud of both fairies ♥ and we are very happy, that they love, what they are doing ♥
But we are not planning any longer holiday, because our honey girl has some health issues... Last summer, we were afraid of Natynka's health and this summer about our honey girl's health... Well, still something. But we really hope that she will be alright ♥. We are planning some small trips, so I hope, that it will be fun also. I think, that there is no need to have still some super exciting entertainment to be happy, am I right?
Anyway - no school, no training for all month! We love that, but I think, that the fairies need some rest too. I really hope I will have a time for my blog and work and writing these patterns!! Last months I made really a lot of new designs, but the truth is, that I didn't write any single pattern for it. So, it looks, that I should bite that sour apple!
So with the end of the school year, I was busy as a bee. Every year we made some small presents for the teachers. I think, that we had luck and we met amazing teachers and my fairies really like them and it is happiness! So except for some flowers and something sweet to eat, I made some small gifts for them.
And I also finished some owls from the beginning of the post
and custom orders for my beloved customers
♥ Thank you ♥
And another will come! My hook is on the fireeeee! And I love that!
H A P P Y H O L I D A Y, M Y D E A R S ♥
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