Hi, my dears,
how are you doing these days? Well, this time is really challenging. I don't know if you too, but I felt so nervous, overwhelmed with duties and guilty last few weeks, that I have so many things to do and still I haven't finished them yet. With all those duties with work and home school of my girls and everybody is still hungry?! and the mess in the house and the fear everywhere... So I have decided to make something with it. In addition to the list of my work duties, I wrote a list of activities that I would like to make every day and which makes me happy. And I told to myself, that there is no duty to make everything every day, just something. Because you now, every step is counting. And I have to tell to you, that after two weeks I really feel better. If you feel nervous and under the pressure of this situation as same as I, I really recommend you to write up your personal list of goals or better say of activities which make you happy and try to do something from your list every day. Don't be too hard to yourself, just a little bit :-).
Are you interested, what is written on mine?
My quarantine short list of happy things:
1. Do something for my soul
Do you believe, that crocheting is a kind of therapy? I believe in it and I love it. So the goal is to finish one of my WIPs every week. So you can look forward to new patterns :-) and the pictures of my news. My crochet dress is still on the list!
2. Do something for my body
Make 1 workout with my favorite Blogilates + one workout from so many saved workouts from Instagram! I really would not look like the whale after the quarantine finish. :-) I really love Cassey, I did her workouts after giving the birth of my little fairies. She is an amazing and wonderful spirit person! And I truly recommend her workouts.

2. Do something for our household
Clean up the house for one hour daily and clean up everything back into place. It really helps the home will stay organized at least just a little bit. :-) I started with my yarn ♥. So all balls of my Catania yarn and Jeans were counted. I am going to count the others. :-)
3. Do something for my brain
Read at least 30 pages daily from one of my "million" books I have borrowed from the library. I've already read some. The library is open from next wee. OMG! I wasn't prepared for it. :-) And what do you think, how many books I have already read?

And don't be afraid too much and breathe.
As you see, my list is really short. I am done with writing all those things which I should do and put myself under the pressure.
And I am listening new album of Selena over and over, singing loudly. :-)
Don’t get me down,
I won’t let me get me.
Don’t get me down,
I won’t let me get me,
I’m good right now,
I won’t let me get me,
Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside,
So my dears, how is your advice with a quarantine time? How do you spend it? Let me know :-).
Stay healthy ♥.
1 komentářů
Such a difficult time Vendulka !! I hope all is well and your absence from your blog is due to being really busy. I always enjoy your posts ,your wonderful happy makes and the gorgeous stimulating colours you use. Keep well Amanda x