How to sew the applique nicely

By Vendulka - October 07, 2014

Hi my dears,

you are asking me quite often, how I am sewing the crocheted appliques on my creations. So I decided to make an easy tutorial and I hope, you will like it :-)

Free tutorial by VendulkaM
Tutorial by VendulkaM: How to sew the appliqué

So, what do you need?: Some creation - hat, sweater, purse or something like that :-) - I have prepared a hat, crocheted applique, common sewing needle, common sewing thread and the scissors. Anyway how do you like my new butterfly applique ?:-) I designed new colorful collection - but about this next time. Back to our work.

When I am crocheting the applique, I am trying to work really preciously, neaten free threads thoroughly and nicely and I still shaping the applique, to final look will be nice. It is important to realize, that all details will be visible, when the applique is sewn.

So take your needle and try to find most similar color to fit to your creation. I made very colorful hat, but main color is light pink, so I am using light pink thread. I haven't exactly same pink shade, but similar - and if I will work good, the stitches will be invisible, so I could close my eyes over the pink shade a little bit. 


First of all place the hat in front of you and then place the applique on it. Choose the right place, which you like and pin the applique to the hat. No need to use many pins, one or two is enough. 

Little note: please think about the mirror view. If you will wear your applique on right side, place the applique to the left. I don't want to touch nobody - really! :-) But I remembered on the mirror view a few times in the past and then I had to unweaving... So I am talking from my own experience :-) 

Tutorial by VendulkaM: How to sew the applique
To the threads: I am using common sewing threads. I am using double thread. The stitches are firmer. I make a knot at the end of the threads and I am ready for sewing.

If you are also ready - so we could begin :-) You will sew the applique from wrong side of the hat. So turn your hat to the wrong side. Still hold the applique by your fingers. Insert the needle through or better say inside the crocheted stitches like this way. If you will make the sewn stitches "inside" crocheted stitches, then they will look invisible.

Tutorial by VendulkaM: How to sew the applique

Sew from one side to another, work in one direction. Proceed systematic, sew small areas, begin from edges and then sew the middle of every single area. Still check the right shape of your applique. I am checking it after every two stitches. Still turning from wrong to right side - like crazy, but remember that final work is most important :-) Don't be hurry and work thoroughly.

When I need sew some special endings of the applique like curves of tiny parts and I need to sew more precisely, I turn the hat to right side and insert the needle from wrong side to right side to last but one row of the edge of the applique (not last stitch but like below last stitch of the applique) - like this: 

Tutorial by VendulkaM: How to sew the applique

Then I continue with needle to wrong side again, then I make really tiny stitch inside the crocheted stitches again and then continue with needle from wrong to right side of the hat over and over. Still checking and shaping :-). At the end I make some inner zig zag stitches through all applique, still insert a needle "inside" the crocheted stitches. These final stitches make your applique more joined to the hat. There will be no bulging areas. And tadaaaah - it is finished. 

This is detailed view of the wrong side of the hat. The applique is sewn almost invisibly :-)

Tutorial by VendulkaM: How to sew the applique

And this is the result :-) By the way, if you like my butterfly appliqué. You could find the pattern in my patterns store.
Tutorial by VendulkaM: How to sew the applique

I hope, you find this tutorial useful :-)
Have a nice day, my dears!


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16 komentářů

  1. Lovely! I always use this way too and a bit different when you can't work at the wrong side.
    Greetings from Marijke

    1. Hi Marijeke, thank you! I am glad we have same way :-) Yes I am using one another stitch when I see from front side, but I didn't use it this time - so I didn't mentioned it :-) Send you many greetings :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing, I have do it very similar to this. Nice to see that others come up with the same great techniques. :)

  3. Thank you so very much for your very thorough and understandable description. You are a gem!!

    1. Hi Dottie, you are welcomed! I am very glad you find it useful :-)

  4. Very useful ! I did mine almost the same as yours .
    But OMG , I LOVE the butterfly applique !!😍

  5. Thank you this is just what I have been looking for - have a whole blanket of flowers to stitch on!

    1. You are welcomed! Oh, Bec - it is a lot of work infront of you. But think, it will look beautifuly! :-)

  6. Thank you so much for your expert instructions...EVERYTHING you do is so perfect dear friend across the ocean

    1. My dear Lisa, I know, that it is you :-) I am glad you find it useful. Many greeting across the ocean :-)

  7. I haveacrocheted white anchor to attach to a navy blue afghan. What color thread should I use to attach? Thank you For your help- I have never done this before.

  8. I use a fair number off appliques on the crochet squares I donate to charity, and while I've a similar technique I was using yarn. Thank you so much for your this tutorial which is so much better. Just wish I'd seen it


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