That is really bright!
This was the first, what came to mind when opened my April KnitCrate
on the topic:
★ G O L D E N H O U R ★
That color combination is amazing.
It makes me wake up! At it is exactly, what I need these days :-)
There are two skeins of Superwash Merino wool by Audine Wool.
215 in one skein - it means 430 g of yarn totally :-)
tralalalalalala la la la
And I get the shade Prickly Pear
Do you remember the blue-violet colorway from January KnitCrate. So this yarn is from the same brand, exclusive hand dyed for KnitCrate, but with a little bit wither gauge. So the work will go faster, yeah! :-) Soooo many things are on my list! I rewrote it as I said in my latest post, but ... I think I am the incorrigible optimist...
There are two patterns in this kit again:
For the knitters: wonderful shawl named CLORIS
Designed by Emily Johannes
For the crocheters: TEMPEST COWL
Designed by Abbey Swanson
Anyway, the colorway in the picture is called Endless Sky is also charming.
I love it!
My summary:
To tell you the truth, I was surprised by the color in the first few moments. But then I really loved it. I am knitting a shawl for me and I added raspberry pink there :-) Do you like it bright? Well, it will be bright :-) And I loooove it. I am writing a post when I will show you my projects using my little treasuries from KnitCrate and I hope you will like it :-)
So my summary: exclusive yarn for great value and two patterns - that all for 24.99 USD including shipping! Why are you waiting? :-) Enjoy the fun :-)!
Every month I get wonderful yarn in the colors which will always surprise me - in a good way of course! If you like it too, pick your KnitCrate here now, the April kit is available to the end of the April. They have many types of subscription e.g. by the month (a one-time purchase), 3-months, or even a full year etc. and with my unique code MAGIC20, you will get 20% Off the first month of your subscription. It sounds great, right? I need to say, that if you will subscribe to KnitCrate through my link, I will get some small commission.
The titmouse report :-) :
Do you remember our blue titmouse? Another special came to our ball too :-)
When I look at this picture - still in April Knitcrate mood :-) Do you see?
The Titmouse with a black head is called Parus Major, for those, who is interested in :-)
But look, who is still near :-)
Thank you very much for reading, my dears :-)

The idea of writing the blog, in a comfortable chair or bed, with ease like Carrie Bradshaw sounds so great. But as my mom says:
"Dream is a dream, you wake up and it is a day"
(It sounds like the rhyme in my native language)
I admit, it is not very optimistic, but it is so true.
I love to write my blog so much and be in touch with you! ♥ I am always sad when I have no time and energy to write new posts and visit my personal candy shop. Anyway, thanks to my Insta, I can be with you a little bit at least.
The plan looks always so great, but there will come some illnesses that will righteously visit all family members - repeatedly, a cold that will not allow you to pull your hands out of the blanket, the days so short that you think it may not cost to get up, and so much work, that it is impossible to fulfill. Everything around is gray and sad. Fortunately, there are some beauties like titmouse, goldfish and other messengers of the spring, coming and bring some joy. But mostly, I don't have the correct lens on my camera of course, and they will snap before I can make a picture of them. But once, I was quick and they were hungry. So :-)
And then the Titmouse - the boss - came and called them off. Probably to some other yummy ball, cheering someone else. Well, they are so busy at this time, these little beauties.
All that gray and cold don't delay just writing a blog, but also working on news, taking care of the home and own beauty :-), because you can wear nothing other than a jacket so long, to cover the kidneys (I am getting old, I guess :-) ), several layers of clothing, boots that do not slip and a hat. No matter, you look so funny and strange wearing all that stuff. I am really wondering how could someone look so elegant and cool in the winter!?
And there is the reality here - they are Easter, and I have not made any new and
my blog is sad and lonely again. Even my bunny Eda was wondering if I will write a note here :-)
I'm just a summer - sunshine type. I was born in the hot summer day, surrounded by the smell of lime and I think, that something is going to be about it. I am so fragile and broken in the winter. What about you, does the winter suits you?

OK, I just realized, that I have to rewrite THAT list!
Being an optimist seems to be so good when it comes to you, that the overpaying optimistic people are not as happy at the end. Okay, I'll overwrite that list, but this time, the optimism will be on the half of mine expectation. Let's see if it will work :-)
In the meantime, enjoy the Easter, my dears ♥

See you next time,
Always your, real spring impatiently expecting, Vendulka :-)
Hi, my dears,
the Easter is in front of the door, just a few moments if it knocks. Do you have already made all the decoration? Well, I haven't. I was working on some new hats and scarfs and cardigans and sweaters. Yes - I was like a crazy - the unstoppable. Do you know that feeling? You are just finishing one project but your head is working on the second one and you can not stop it? I call it - the muse, the blessing, the obsession maybe? :-). And always when it came, I have to listening.... ♥ Because and it happens, when you are not listening right way, it will disappear like a soap-bubble. Ok, I am closing the philosopher's window :-).
I told to myself, that for one new, I will update the one hidden pattern. Soooo, I was working on some my older projects. And yes, I really enjoyed the fun :-) Do you remember my Spring wreath tutorial from last year? If you haven't made the wreath yet, it is quick and really nice.
So I made some chickens :-)

And my funny hens
Do you already know, that I prepared the kit for making my funny hen? :-)
You can buy the kit HERE.
You can try the Kacenky yarn, to see alone, why I love this yarn so much.
Little look on the kit
And look, what I prepare: Hello Spring SALE
10 % OFF, No Code needed
22 - 26 March 2018
OK, I will also let something for a new post :-D
Thank you very much for reading my dears! ♥
Hi, my dears,
how are you? Well, after quite long time I made a hair today. And I am enjoying it so much :-D OK, it wasn't the main message of the day. The message of the day iiiiiiis: that the March KnitCrate came. Olalala! And the topic is:
★ S U G A R ★

I was so curious when I saw the first pictures of KnitCrate.
It is OH, SO CUTE!

The mixture of 70% Superwash Merino, 20% Nylon, 10% Stellina
Do you know, what Stellina fiber is? It is a nylon fiber that is metallic toned. It is not actually metal, just metallic toned. If you are curious if it is scratchy? I can you ensure, that not. Exactly this yarn is very pleasant.
Do you also make the balls from skeins before you start creating?
I do. :-)

There are two cute patterns in this kit.
For the crocheters: the socks, yes! :-) Called Nectarine
Designed by Brenda Andreson

And for the knitters: a beautiful shawl called Bloom
Designed by Chelsea Berkompas

Both designers offer also the sales in their Ravelry stores. That is amazing, girls.
Thank you very much!
I get the wonderful shade called LOVENDER
There are 2 skeins of this beauty - 200 g totally.

This yarn looks like a freshly fallen snow in the sun.
It is just amazing. Just look!

I wanted to make a shawl, but when my fairies saw the yarn, I knew that I lost my chance. The first hat is done. There is the recommendation for using 2,25 mm needles, but the shawl pattern says 4 mm needles. So I used 4 mm needles and it turned really nice. I am waiting for some sunshine to make some pictures so you can see that beautiful gently sparkle :-)

My summary:
I love this yarn. To tell you the truth, I was afraid to use so thick needles, but using 4 mm needles was totally OK. And the work came quick. Not so quick, if you will use bulky yarn of course, but quick - yes. The sparkle is soft, not strong and I like it very much. When you take a look at the pictures with the sunshine - you can see it alone. There are no filters and games with the colors. I am so curious, to share with you the hats I made for my fairies. I used easy stitches to let show the beauty of the yarn and I am pretty sure, that there will be enough yarn for making the spring scarf for me too.
The retail value of this KnitCrate is 63 USD, 48 USD is for the yarn only - the yarn worth that price, 10 USD is for the patterns and 5 USD is the postage. BUT you will pay only 24.99 USD - and you will get 200 g of this beauty, two patterns including postage. So that is a great price!
If you like that kit, pick your KnitCrate here now. The March kit is available at the end of the March! They have many types of subscription e.g. by the month (a one-time purchase), 3-months, or even a full years etc. The KnitCrate offers for my followers and friends and sale :-) Using this unique code: MAGIC20, you will get 20% Off the first month of your subscription. I love the sale codes! Thank you very much, KnitCrate!