ssst - don't disturb please, she is sleeping :-)
This is my first design in 2014. OK, I must confess that I skiped some unfinished projects :-) I made this little sleeping owl ornament for my Natalka. As I wrote in some my older post, she likes yellow color and owls. And the result is - yellow owl :-). I like this new owl so much, that I used this design for my new rubber stamp :-)
Well, I made the pink one too, as a gift for friend of mine Josie :-) Josie is an amazing girl. She was born in same day (different year) as my beloved grandmother, of who I have already spoken about in past. And I really feel big understanding between us. I am so thankful for this friendship. Josie is so nice to me and she is testing my patterns - and whatelse to say? She is my hero :-)
I am pretty sure, that you will see this sleeeping owl on my other finished from unfinished projects... :-)
I promised to take some pictures of my latest designs :-) Well - first of my finished from unfinished projects waiting for me from last year was the Birthday gift for my goddaughter. My goddaughter will celebrate her 6 Birthday soon. She wished the hat with puppy applique, so I made one for her and I made for her puppy pendant also. Now I am ready for the Birthday party :-) I hope, she will like it.
Here you could find the pattern
Yesterday walk with the girls at the mountains.... It is really strange warm winter. There was only tiny frozen, no snow. We spent very nice time there together. I made some pictures of the countryside :-) Have a nice weekend !
Some stone markers
Hi my dears,
how are you?
I am busy like bee.. I finisehd many projects, but had no time to take the pictures and share it and write the patterns at this moment. Well - and why? Because my honey girl had wedding - you know - dog's wedding LOL. I never had any experience with dog's wedding before, and didn't know, that there is a lot of work around it. I was quite nervous, but she and her bridegroom were amazing and all was done :-) And now it is all on the nature. I hope, that everything will goes right, my honey lady will be healthly mommy, hope that puppies will be health too. Oooooh, I am looking for seeing our puppies soooo much :-) !
I hope, I will finally have a little time to take some pictures of my new designs during weekend. Today we are going with Natalka on the Registration to the school :-) Oh - what a colorful life :-)
Have nice days!
Wedding's picture of my honey lady Sunny and her handsome bridegroom Azizi