My humble boy

By Vendulka - July 15, 2015

Where are you going? Wait! Don't you see, how beautiful I am?
WHAT?! That the true beauty is hidden inside?
Wait, please, stay here a little while with me ...
I, ehm, .... I will learn a humility.

crochet peacock pattern by VendulkaM

crochet peacock pattern by VendulkaM

crochet peacock pattern by VendulkaM

A little bit crocheting, a little bit beading, a little bit of humility and my humble boy was born....

crochet peacock pattern by VendulkaM

This is the cousin of my humble boy - The King of our ZOO



And the second cousin - the White prince




When we were at zoo, we heard the screaming of peacocks. It was so loud, intense and dramatic. I was so curious what was happened? So I followed the sounds and then I saw these two peacocks looking through this fence and screaming to each other.... I would really want to know, what they were discussing about... :-)



Crochet peaock pattern by VendulkaM

And my humble boy flyied to his new home... ♥ 

Crochet Peacock pattern

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14 komentářů

  1. Vendulko, moc obdivuji Tvoji kreativitu. Velmi ráda a pravidelně nakukuji na Tvůj blog a vždycky si moc užívám. A k tomu si procvičuju angličtinu.
    Jsi úžasná!

  2. Gorgeous peacock and beautiful photo's of the living brothers. I have never seen a white one. So special.

    Have a great day, Margaret

  3. He is so beautifull! Very well done!
    Love the peacocks.

  4. He is beautiful. His new owner will love him :-)

  5. Thank you soooo much for your lovely comments! Have to say, that I really enjoyed to creating this little humble boy :-) I am so glad, you like them. I am so curious, what will say in his new home.... No matter, how many creations I made - always I am nervous :-)

  6. Он великолепный!!! Просто красавец!!! Не могу отвести от него глаз!
    Вендула, а это брошь?


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